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[Other resourceajax_im_3.4_yui

Description: PHP+AJAX+MYSQL开发的WEB IM 界面非常好,可以拿来学习下。
Platform: | Size: 303625 | Author: 丁桧 | Hits:

[WEB CodeIM客服系统

Description: 一款WEB和桌面交互的系统,里面有源码
Platform: | Size: 3202005 | Author: feilang864 | Hits:


Description: Interverse Project - The interverse is the evolution and combination of the web, chat, IM, and voice communication. It is not just a graphical user interface (GUI), but an immersive user interface (IUI). This project will develop the clients and content used in the interverse Interverse 是Web,聊天,IM,和语音通讯的发展和组合。它不只是一个图形化的用户接口(GUI),也是一个沉浸式的用户接口(IUI)。这个项目将开发沉浸式环境中的客户端和内容。 来源:http://sourceforge.net/projects/interverse/ Development Status: 3 - Alpha, 4 - BetaEnvironment: Other Environment, X11 ApplicationsIntended Audience: Developers, End Users/Desktop, Other AudienceLicense: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)Operating System: Windows 95/98/2000, OS Independent, LinuxProgramming Language: APL, C, C++Topic: Communications, 3D Rendering, MIDI -Interverse Project- The interverse evolution and is the combination of the web, chat, IM, and voice communication. It is not just a graphical user interface (GUI), but an immersive user interface (IUI). This project will develop the clients and content used in the interverse Interverse Web, chat, IM, and voice communications and the development portfolio. It is not just a graphical user interface (GUI), as well as an immersion in the user interface (IUI). This project will develop immersion environment of the client and content. Source : http://sourceforge.net/projects/interverse/ Development Status : 3-Alpha, 4-BetaEnvironment : Other Environment, X11 ApplicationsIntended Audience : Developers and End Users/Desktop, Other AudienceLicense : Lesser GNU General Public License (LGPL) Opera
Platform: | Size: 15353856 | Author: | Hits:

[Other Web Codeajax_im_3.4_yui

Description: PHP+AJAX+MYSQL开发的WEB IM 界面非常好,可以拿来学习下。-PHP+ AJAX+ MYSQL developed WEB IM interface very good, can be used to study under.
Platform: | Size: 303104 | Author: 丁桧 | Hits:

[WEB CodeIM-asp

Description: 一个asp的IM在线程序,包含了控制端和访问端-An asp s IM online procedures, including the control and access to client-side
Platform: | Size: 106496 | Author: zaoboy | Hits:


Description: web 版 im php QGYWebIM是一个基于Ajax的Web聊天系统,她的界面高度模仿Windows Live Messager8.5,能兼容主流浏览器。整个程序代码风格简单高效,运行起来十分流畅,用户体验良好。-web im
Platform: | Size: 303104 | Author: gong | Hits:

[WEB Codesgby

Description: 简易安装说明档---(后续会有详细说明档) 1.上传所有文件至服务器目录 2.创建数据库 编码选 gb2312_chinese_ci(虚拟空间略过) 3.进入数据库,点右上角的操作 下面的整理选gb2312_chinese_ci 4.点击IMPORT 选择数据库文件夹下sql 文件。导入下面的编码选GB2312 5.导入成功后,即可进入游戏 6.后台地址:xxx.xxxxx.xxx/admin.php 默认管理员账号 admin admin 7.登陆后台 配置好系统配置和游戏配置。 8.到云网支付网站申请网关商户。成功后登陆后台回去支付密匙。 9.登陆游戏后台 再支付网关设置支付网关信息 10.可以正式开放游戏。 别忘记了修改数据库配置文件(请查看"数据库配置参数所在的几个文件.gif"),不然网站进不去哦!-Simple installation instructions file--- (follow-up there will be a detailed description file) 1. From all the files to the server directory 2. To create a database encoding election gb2312_chinese_ci (virtual space skipped) 3. To enter the database, point the upper right corner of the operation of the following election organize gb2312_chinese_ci 4. Click IMPORT select database sql file folder. Import the following selected GB2312 encoding 5. Import successful, you can enter the Game 6. Backgrounds Address: xxx.xxxxx.xxx/admin.php default administrator account admin admin 7. Landing configuration Backgrounds better system configuration and configuration Games. 8. To cloud Net web applications for the payment gateway business operators. After the success of landing Backgrounds key to go back to pay. 9. Landing Games Backgrounds further payment gateway payment gateway set up information 10. Games can be officially opened. Do not forget that modify the database c
Platform: | Size: 15314944 | Author: keary | Hits:


Description: WEB IM 实现 j2ee项目的IM功能 可继承到现有的系统当中-WEB IM
Platform: | Size: 333824 | Author: mircle | Hits:


Description: Ajax IM php版本 ajax im ("asynchronous javascript and xml instant messenger") is a browser-based instant messaging client. It uses the XMLHTTPRequest object in JavaScript to send and receive commands to and from the server. No refreshing of the page is ever needed for this "web application" to work, as everything is updated in real-time via JavaScript. -ajax im ("asynchronous javascript and xml instant messenger") is a browser-based instant messaging client. It uses the XMLHTTPRequest object in JavaScript to send and receive commands to and from the server. No refreshing of the page is ever needed for this "web application" to work, as everything is updated in real-time via JavaScript. In versions 2 and up, no XML is actually used (instead, it has been replaced with "JSON"), but for brand purposes, the name has been kept. It still uses the XMLHTTPRequest object, so the name does hold some validity. Credits
Platform: | Size: 331776 | Author: sunyt | Hits:


Description: java jsp web 聊天工具,功能强大。快下载吧-java jsp web chart tools
Platform: | Size: 145408 | Author: zhaozhihui | Hits:

[Windows Developrtx-WEB-tool

Description: 腾讯通rtx客户端二次开发示例。 本功能演示示例包括了几乎所有的SDK接口,参考本示例,可以方便快速地进行基于Web应用的RTX二次开发。 客户端的SDK接口主要分为四部分:1、登录部分,包括RTX号码登录、用户名登录、单点登录;2、查询用户 信息部分,包括查询用户的在线状态、查询用户的头像文件路径、查询用户的简单资料;3、发送消息部分, 包括向多人发送IM消息和向多人发送手机短消息;4、RTX标签部分,RTX标签可以集成在Web应用和Win32应用中, 实现随时随地感知用户的在线状态,随时随地给用户发送消息。为确保演示成功,请先在本机安装RTX客户端 和RTX服务端,版本为3.6以上。 -rtx example of the secondary development of the client (java)
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: efefew | Hits:


Description: instantMessage web,一款基于浏览器的实时通信的类似MSN的软件-instantMessage web。 Eclipse项目文件齐全
Platform: | Size: 2404352 | Author: sunny | Hits:


Description: web im简单实现,实现功能有上下线提示 好又聊天,不知道可以发邮件 life130@126.com-web im simple implementation, to achieve good function and chat on the tips off the assembly line, do not know can email life130@126.com
Platform: | Size: 3256320 | Author: lifei | Hits:

[WEB CodeBicq_Zend_Crack

Description: bicq zend解密版,bicq是一款web版类似Qq的程序,可以与您的程序无缝结合,实现人性化交互功能-bicq zend Jiemi Ban, bicq Qq is a web version of a similar program, your program with seamless integration capabilities to achieve human interaction
Platform: | Size: 1389568 | Author: raiyofbbs | Hits:

[WEB CodeiWebIM_1.0Beta2_Manual

Description: 作为一款以解决大型站点高并发高负载问题为主要任务的开源Web IM软件,iWebIM功能强大,易于集成。-As a large site to address the problem of high concurrent high load as the main task of the open-source Web IM software, iWebIM powerful, easy to integrate.
Platform: | Size: 4291584 | Author: 刘磊 | Hits:


Description: S2SH整合DWR,实现WEB即使通讯,可以私聊和群聊!-S2SH integration of DWR, to achieve WEB instant messaging, you can private chat and group chat!
Platform: | Size: 15287296 | Author: 刘胜平 | Hits:


Description: web im工具,简洁漂亮,js ajax 希望对你有帮助-web im
Platform: | Size: 107520 | Author: musk | Hits:


Description: web im 可以实现在页面上进行最基本的聊天以及视频聊天(web im You can do the most basic chat and video chat on the page)
Platform: | Size: 987136 | Author: ssf1226 | Hits:


Description: Strophe+react实现web-im,单聊和群聊,服务器使用openfire(Strophe+react to achieve web-im, single chat and group chat, the server uses openfire)
Platform: | Size: 111616 | Author: novawei | Hits:


Description: jquery实现web集成融云即时通讯(JQuery implementation of Web integrated melt cloud instant messaging)
Platform: | Size: 661504 | Author: thinkOf | Hits:
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